The intestinal Health Institute was conceived because of the public health implications of the scientific
discoveries and teaching experience of Kenneth Fine, M.D., a professor, intestinal researcher, and
publisher of scientific journal articles for over 20 years. Dr. Fine is determined to bring the benefits
of his research and his passion for teaching to those who need it most: the people of the United States
and the World. By utilizing the power of the internet and the public's free access to it, the long delay
associated with dissemination of new information through the medical ranks to patients (usually 10-15
years) can be bypassed. People can benefit today!
America is facing a new health crisis: obesity and dietary malnutrition. The nutrient-poor, calorie-rich "All-American" diet -- fast-food, "junk-food", oversized meal portions -- has swelled the waistline of the average American.
One of the main goals of the research of the
Intestinal Health Institute is to further the
knowledge base of our areas of study so that
other researchers and the population at large
may best benefit.
Dr. Fine has incorporated his passion and
professional singing and songwriting musical
skills into the public educational programs of
the Intestinal Health Institute.